FAQ - Smart Film witch PDLC technology
All the answers to frequently asked questions
All the answers to frequently asked questions about Smart Film PDLC: Innoptec's electro-optic film that adds functionality and privacy to clear glass.
Where is Innoptec located?
Our registered and operational headquarters are in Rovereto, in the province of Trento (Italy); a location that serves as an important crossroads between Italy and Europe.
Which geographical areas does Innoptec address?
Innoptec operates throughout Europe and the Middle East. We intend to present ourselves as a reliable partner for both glass companies and architects and designers.
How does Innoptec differ from other suppliers?
Unlike most suppliers of Smart Film PDLC, Innoptec is the only one among European suppliers in the industry that can cover the entire production process, from roll-to-roll lamination to ready-to-use finishing. We design, manufacture, validate and market switchable film in our laboratory in Rovereto (Trento, Italy). The versatility of supply is such that we can respond to any type of volume and any type of project.
How can I place an order or request further information?
Send us an e-mail to inof@innoptec.it or fill in the form on the "contacts" page on our website.
Which sectors does Innoptec cater for?
The PDLC Smart Film is the answer to the search for a new, multifunctional, modern and sophisticated design capable of controlling light and permeating privacy. The most widespread field of application is undoubtedly interior architecture: offices villas and private homes, banks, the world of hotels, hospitals and dental surgeries but also land and sea transport as well as retail and large ateliers. In short, all those situations where it is necessary to optically separate and isolate various environments. Also in visual communication, Innoptec PDLC film is the brightest rear projection screen, in conference rooms, television studios, advertising.
What are the advantages?
- Immediate privacy and light management
- Soundproofing / sound damping
- Improved comfort
- Diffuse and comfortable brightness in the translucent phase
- Efficient use of space in building environments
- Low maintenance
- Can be used as HD screen for rear projection
- Shielding of sunlight and reflections with low energy consumption for cooling in summer
- Low power consumption
- Absence of bulky, unsightly and dusty curtains
- Ten-year durability of transparent/translucent alternation
- Self-adhesive version available for existing glass panes
- Transparent/translucent alternation can be controlled by manual push-button, wireless control and dimmable.
- Aesthetically appealing new architectural concept
What is the delivery time?
Innoptec can deliver the product within a few working days but the lead time may vary depending on the square metres required.
Can I order a sample?
Request a sample on our page www.innoptec.com/contacts
When the Smart Film is switched on, is the glass completely transparent?
In the ON state (transparent) it has a haze of less than 5%.
When switched OFF, is the surface completely opaque?
In the OFF state (translucent) the switchable film and glass register 55% (+/-5%) total transmitted light.
At what voltage does it operate?
The Smart Film is powered at 60Vac/50 Hz. A new 45Vac/50Hz version is also available
What are the general features?
In the "technical library" section TECHNICAL SHEETS you can see the general and technical characteristics of the Innoptec Smart Film.
What are the maximum dimensions?
Innoptec mainly supplies films cut to size. There is no maximum length for PDLC film but requirements usually do not exceed 3500mm for cut-to-size PDLC film. The maximum width of switchable film for glass lamination is 1800mm (available on request up to 2000mm). The maximum width of the switchable film - in the self-adhesive format - is 1500mm (Available on request up to 1800mm). The grey version goes up to a maximum width of 1500mm for both versions (laminated/self-adhesive).
How is it installed?
The switchable film can be applied self-adhesive on existing glass or laminated with EVA between two panes for new projects. The self-adhesive type can also be applied on organic (acrylic) glass, drastically reducing the weight of the artefact, making it easy to use in fairs, exhibitions, showcases, etc.
Can I apply silicone?
Only use the silicones recommended on our technical data sheets. Otherwise, the guarantee cannot be applied. Unsuitable silicones may create delaminations on the edges of the switchable film.
Which transformers should be used?
We will advise which transformers to use depending on the square metres ordered and the customer's requirements.
How many transformers are needed?
It depends on how the customer wants to handle the glazing and the surface area of the switchable films.
Where are the electrical connections positioned?
There are different types for positioning the electrical contacts. These can vary according to the length of the electrical opaque film or according to the customer's requirements if this is possible. In general, it is advisable to place the electrical contacts on the top of the glass surfaces.
When you look at the PDLC electric opaque film from an angle while it is ON, is it less transparent?
In the ON state (transparent) it registers a haze, at an angle of 45° less than 15%.
What is the energy consumption?
One square metre consumes 3 to 5 watts.
When does the PDLC film consume electricity?
It consumes electricity only in the ON (transparent) state. Consumption in the OFF (translucent) state is zero.
What is the life expectancy?
Innoptec PDLC electrically opaque film has a life expectancy of ten years. We have had films in continuous on/off testing for over 15 years.
What maintenance is required?
PDLC electric matting film requires no maintenance other than checking electrical connections, power supplies and seals annually.
How should the glass or adhesive film be cleaned?
The adhesive film should be cleaned when dirty with only alcohol and a non-scratch cloth without rubbing aggressively. Laminated glass should be cleaned with a cloth dampened with water only without wetting it excessively.
Can the electrical matting film be cut into non-geometrical shapes?
Yes, it can be cut to any shape using .dwg files. Innoptec will check the feasibility of cutting and if so suggest where to position the electrical connections.
Can PDLC electrically opaque film have holes?
Yes. We can drill holes of any shape and size.
What are the acoustic properties?
It depends on the characteristics of the glass used in the lamination. You can download our acoustic insulation test at the following link.
Can it be used in bathrooms or wet areas?
The electrical quality of PDLC electric matting film is tested on 100% of the surface area and is not afraid of water or wet environments, but the electrical connections must be installed according to the regulations concerning electrical circuits in bathrooms and similar environments.
Can Innoptec PDLC electric matting film be supplied in alternative colours?
It can be supplied in milk white or grey.
Can it be used for outdoor applications?
We recommend using the 45Vac version for application on glass facing outwards as it is much more temperature and UV stable.
Can it be used in doors?
YES. It can be inserted in any type of glass door as we can create slots/holes for handles and frames. On some types of doors, other small precautions will be necessary to avoid delamination after installation.
Can electrical matting film be used as a high-definition screen?
YES. In its OFF (translucent) state, the smart glass becomes a perfect surface for rear projection. This functionality is particularly appreciated in offices or conference centres, in retail and in TV studios.
Can the film be laminated with other types of glass (tempered, double-glazed, bullet-proof)?
Yes, but at the discretion of the laminator after carrying out the necessary tests.
What guarantee is offered?
The PDLC electric opacifier film is guaranteed for two years, extendable to five years depending on the accuracy of the technical solutions and materials prescribed and adopted for the final installation. Innoptec also retains traceability of the product for more than ten years, which means that for any replacement, it is able to reproduce the product with the exact same characteristics as before.
Can I remove the switchable film if I get fed up with it?
It can only be removed if applied to the glass in a self-adhesive manner. If laminated into the glass, it can no longer be removed.
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